About Us


About Us

Dental health is the first step towards a wholesome wellbeing. We at Smile N Face make sure you thrive in your daily chores by helping you establish a strong oral hygiene and also provide you with confidence that goes a long way in healthy and happy living. 

Daily brushing followed by floss and regular dental appointments protects teeth from various bacterial infections and other gum problems. At Smile N Face, we offer various treatments with utmost care and expertise to make sure that your personality radiates bright.

The first impression goes a long way, thus to make your teeth shine bright in your smile, we offer various curative solutions. Beginning from the basic cavity fillings, scaling, root canal treatment to smile designing our clinic ensures expert economical solutions to a flawless smile.

Even for the unforeseen traumatic damage we are equipped with futuristic cutting edge technology and latest equipment. Our experienced orthodontic doctor Ashwin A Hiremath has an experience in Face and Jaw Surgery like Fracture Fixation, Dental Implants, 3rd Molar Surgery, Cyst and Tumor Removalof Jaws, TMJ Disorders, OMSF, Facial aesthetic and Hair Transplant procedures.

Vast range of cosmetic surgeries are available at the clinic. To improve your appearance, self esteem and self confidence Dr. Ashwin A Hiremath is the go to person for an unbiased consultation. To understand better about what to expect and how to alter unwanted physical appearances, we can help you find a solution which is appealing, secure and economical.


Our Mission is to offer our patients the finest Dental Care in Belgaum, Karnataka, we will work together with our patients to improve oral health, speech, chewing and cosmetic appearance.


To be a leading Dental Specialist Care, providing world class Dental Implant treatment in a modern and safe environment through community involvement and outreach.


Dr. Ashwin A. Hiremath

M.D.S.,F.A.M(Germany) FTHT

Oral- Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist. Fellow Facial Aesthetics & Hair Transplant.

He has an experience in Face and Jaw Surgery like Fracture Fixation, Dental Implants, 3rd Molar Surgery, Cyst and Tumor Removalof Jaws, TMJ Disorders, OMSF, Facial aesthetic and Hair Transplant procedures.

He has done fellowship In Facial Aesthetics And Hairtansplant and is expertise in Trichology And Hairtansplant and has been the emenant hairtransplant Surgeon in the town, has done various number of hairtransplant cases and have got excellent results in it.